2021 New Year Spread
The Ancestor (upper left) carries the wand of wisdom and the drum that summons those that can hear the universal beat. She stands in a gateway of birch trees and marks a path of new commitment from which there is no turning back. This is confirmation your journey has started. The new moon is also confirmation. The Ancestor is a guardian of the earth and allows you to begin a new cycle. A shift has occurred and its is now time to walk the path that is summoning you. Trust you intuition and listen to Spirit. Let Spirit guide you on your new profound journey.
Card of the Day
Ten of Bows – Responsibility
Accept the responsibility that has come your way. Do so with good humor and welcome the challenge with humility and enthusiasm. Be confident as it allows you to grow. The task may be steep, but once understood, life lessons can be learned. Honor and sign of respect that those will know you will complete the task. Peers will trust you, this in turn enhances your self worth and self respect.
Camelot Oracle (under the Ancestor and Ten of Bows)
Path – The Hero’s Path – Leads south to the Joyous Gard – This is a path of beginnings, of new awareness, of finding new wisdom, guidance and inspiration. This path pertains to the heart and seeking deep personal issues. The path offers renewed energy to all whose spirits are low. Joyous Gard is a place of both light and darkness, joy and sorrow, and is a place of balance where deep and life changing choices are made.
Joyous Gard – home of Lancelot. A place to take stock of your goals. Seek the truth of love and find it in the unexpected places or seek a new direction. If challenged, a good place to seek out strength to resolve differences and regain a sense of clarity and understanding. In general – Look at the larger picture, look to roads that are fulfilling. Work – Be daring in your career ventures, think out of the box in your creativity. Love – Put Love at the core of your relationships. Well being- The way you view things can change everything. Listen to others and understand there viewpoints as this path may lead to a stronger understanding of all. Meditation – This is a path that leads to high hope, with strength and sustain you for as long as you travel. It leads you to the darkest and brightest places of your own and with those you encounter. At the end of the journey, you will find rest and and the advise from Lancelot.
Morgana as the Champion – She is the fierce warrior in battle and her greatest strength comes from wisdom and knowledge. She can move between all levels of existence. By championing your cause she will stand by your side absolutely. You may not like what she has to say, but she will never betray you. Listen to what she has to say for it may change your life forever.
The Challenger – Uther Pendragon On your path to the Joyous Gard -he asks “Will you accept an alternative course of action?”
The energy of the New year is Soul Mating – (Blue card in middle) A new encounter will change the way you view unconditional love. You have entered into others lives to awaken, deepen and expand (is this Jupiter in your chart), this may last a moment or a lifetime. The purpose of a soul relationship is to mirror your love and light, whatever is mirrored will intensify. You will reveal wounds (chiron?) that hold us away from love so that love can heal them. What are seven things you want to experience a new romantic relationship? How will each item make you feel? Attract in your life what you are.
Messenger Oracle – Nurture all you love – Take the time to nurture the things you care about so they may grows. Hopes, dreams, body, mind, spirit, creations. relationships. All that is cherished, loved, honored and respected. Nurture them to bring peace and fulfillment
Ravens Oracle – Queen of Hearts – Self sacrifice brings new life and wisdom from the lessons learned. The queen reminds you that for every sacrifice you mature and disengage from the bonds of material possesses.
Shaman Oracle
The Journeyer (you) – Spirit of Destruction – – you have the capacity to annihilate any negative emotions that weigh you down. By invoking its strength is to test your own, a force to confront the darks recesses of your mind. It forces you to address disturbing truths about ourselves, address these truths to open your soul.
The Companion (Spirit Guide) – Hunter of Honor – He seeks out honorable ways to live and move, between the planes of existence, bringing with it honesty and honor that exchanges energy between the two worlds. He is a reminder to appreciate what supports you and those who help create to our well being, honor that which has an aspect on everything in your life,
Cave of Ice – Spirit of Initiation – Manifestation – begin to understand the wonders that surround you. Will help you see truth and wisdom – help travel the path of enlightenment when you are ready. Learn and meditate on the Spirit of Initiation.
Cave of Winds – Beginnings – Hunter of Dreams – he will seek dreams that will enable you to transform yourself and others. I as guardian and protector as you transcend and realize your hopes and dreams. He strides along to open doors of perception, unveiling truths to important realizations.
Cave of Hearthfires – Home, Protection – Shaman of Sorrows – He journeys into the heart of pain to restore you to a state of balance. He walks before you protecting you from the burdens of unhappiness (ten of bows?) his task is to walk by your side in troubled times to find practical ways to accept and deal with sorrow
Cave of Rivers – Journeys, Emotions – Spirit of Truth – He opens the way to understanding, to access the reality of all things, to penetrate the heart of the matter – to walk in integrity – on your path, to help understand your spiritual progress give us a truer understanding of seductive rewards.
Cave of Earth – Challenge – Ancestor of Illusion – To show you the true nature of things, both light and dark – will walk beside you and not let you be led astray so you may reach your true goal. He will lead you to recognize the beauty of truth and deception of falsehoods.
Ten of blows clarified – 5 of scrolls – diversity – look at all options to consider, try new things, new places, new subjects, go different directions and meet new people, period of expansion, go further ahead than you planned. This will open you to a whole new you.
The Sun – time to shine, be happy, engage with friends, family and community. Step into creativity. Be of service to others. Where do you find happiness – when do you experience flow – what brings you joy – Choose to make a life that creates happiness for myself and for others
Oracle of the Hidden Worlds – (bottom left) sacred divining, spirit speaking, intervention – to be the oracle is to be one who stands between the divine and earthy, to help people reconnect with the the divine and to understand the language of spirit. You are learning this language and finding ways to to awaken this presence in your life. You understand the messages and symbols and can discern the messages of the sacred ones to speak to people In a past life you may have been a oracle, IN this lifetime you have the power to discern to understand and to share the language of the Divine. You have the skills of the oracle. It is time to awaken them and do the work. – You can hear, see, smell, feel the presence of the spirits, and translate their signs for myself and for others.
Blessing – A blessing of a battle that cannot be avoided – whatever the nature of the battle accept the blessing for your courage. For your reluctance to bring aggression to the world, for your refusal to run. For your determination to see this through. Whatever the cause that you stand for. Stand your ground. You have the warrior spirit you are a soul who will no longer run from what stands between you and the rest of your beautiful life.
The Spirit’s Path